
This function places a request to open a modal over the current hosting page


import messageHandler from '@vcita/intandem-app-com';

// ...initialize the handler

const modalParams={modalName:ModalName.AppMarket}
// Or in order to open a specific app page within the app market
const modalParams={modalName:ModalName.AppMarket,appCodeName:"quickbooks"}

messageHandler.openModal(modalParams).then(result => {
  console.log('The modal result was', result);


  1. modalName (String): The name of the modal
  2. * init object _8 (Object)_ : An object with params required to initialize the modal

Available modals

NameDescriptionpayload (modalParams)
App MarketOpen the app market modal{modalName:ModalName.AppMarket}
App Market [AppInfo]Open a specific app page within the app market modal{modalName:ModalName.AppMarket,appCodeName:"quickbooks"}