Iframe Widget Life Cycle

The widget life cycle includes the following steps

Step 1 - Created

The board layout manager adds a Widget Container, setting it up to independently add the specific widget component into its DOM. Once added, the widget is in the "Created" state.

Once created, a loader will be shown to the user until the initialization process is completed

Step 2 - Load

A URL is set for the iframe, and loading starts

Step 3 - Init

When the SDK is loaded, the iframe initiates an init process using MessageHendler.init function, creating a communication channel between the widget and the iframe

Step 4 - Get User/JWKSToken

The widget can request user info or JWKSToken and then prepare the appropriate assets to show the user

Step 5 - Ready

The widget sends a "Ready" event to the container. The container will remove the loader and show the user the widget.