Entity description
An AIRecommendedAction entity represents a recommended action based on AI analysis. It provides contextual insights and justifications for decision-making, along with confidence scoring.
Name | Description | Type | Example |
uid | A unique identifier for the recommended action | string | act-456 |
action | The type of action recommended (reply , estimate , schedule ) | string | reply |
display | Contains display-related information for the recommendation | object | See Display Properties below |
reason | The reason why this action is recommended, providing context for decision-making | string | User needs clarification on pricing |
payload | Additional data related to the recommended action. The structure depends on the action type | object | {} |
evidence | A list of supporting statements or facts justifying the recommendation | array | ["User asked for price estimate"] |
Display Properties
Name | Description | Type | Example |
title | A human-readable title describing the action | string | Follow up with the client |
description | A human-readable description of the action | string | The recommended time for an appointment is Monday 5th of March. Click "Auto-fill" to apply |
Possible payloads
Payload example
"uid": "act-456",
"action": "reply",
"display": {
"btn_text": "Generate Reply"
"reason": "User needs clarification on pricing",
"payload": {
"email_message":"I need more details to send you a quote<br/>best regards,<br/>ramster",
"sms_message":"I need more details to send you a quot"
"FB_message":"I need more details to send you a quot"
"other_message":"I need more details to send you a quot"
"evidence": ["User asked for price estimate"]
Payload Properties
Name | Description | Type | Example |
email_message | Text to be used for email text | string | |
sms_message | Text to be used for sms | string | |
FB_message | Text to be used for Facebook | string | |
other_message | Text to be used as fallback for other channels | string |
Payload example
"uid": "act-456",
"action": "schedule",
"display": {
"btn_text": "Schedule an Appointment"
"reason": "User asked for an appointment at 6PM",
"payload": {
"approval_mode": null,
"auto_follow_up_hours": 0,
"business_uid": "4a052846de6bc85c",
"category_name": null,
"charge_type": "no_price",
"client_color_id": 8,
"client_first_name": "Casie",
"client_uid": "b8xl3dbs3g8n0w0t",
"client_last_name": "Renner",
"conversation_uid": "peuu6o8xz4jynmux",
"coupon": null,
"currency": null,
"duration": 30,
"end_time": "2025-02-03T09:30:00.000+02:00",
"follow_up_data": null,
"follow_up_note": "",
"follow_up_time": null,
"follow_up_type": null,
"future_bookings_limit": 0,
"id": "grxekbs917789pk5",
"image_url": "",
"initiator": null,
"interaction_details": "quod",
"interaction_type": "client_location",
"invoices": [],
"is_recurring": false,
"last_action_message": null,
"linked_booking_uid": null,
"meeting_reminder_sms_1": false,
"meeting_reminder_sms_2": false,
"min_hours_before_meeting": 0,
"no_show": false,
"notes": null,
"optional_times": [],
"payment": null,
"payment_uid": null,
"payment_status": null,
"price": "0.0",
"remind_before_in_hours_1": 0.25,
"remind_before_in_hours_2": 0,
"request_data": null,
"series_id": null,
"series_instance_count": null,
"service_uid": "n50cf83s3ogo3ggp",
"sms_booking_confirmation": null,
"source_data": {
"campaign": null,
"channel": null,
"id": 57,
"name": "initiated_by_staff",
"website_url": null
"staff_display_name": "Rosa Spinka",
"staff_uid": "9a20a295c274f89a",
"staff_image": null,
"start_time": "2025-02-03T09:00:00.000+02:00",
"state": "scheduled",
"title": "Reactive responsive definition",
"type": "appointment",
"zoom_start_url": null
"evidence": ["User asked for price estimate"]
"confidence": 0.85
Payload Properties
Name | Description | Type | Example |
Payload example
"uid": "act-456",
"action": "estimate",
"display": {
"btn_text": "Generate an estimate"
"reason": "User asked for an estimate to clean her carpet",
"evidence": ["I want a price estimate for carpet cleaning"],
"payload": {
"estimate": {
"header": "New Estimate for service",
"purchase_order": "PO123",
"items": [
"itemizable_subject_type": "Service",
"itemizable_subject_uid": "service-123",
"name": "service with taxes",
"rate": 22,
"quantity": 2,
"taxes": [
{"name": "VAT", "rate": 10}
"itemizable_subject_type": "Product",
"itemizable_subject_uid": "product-123",
"name": "product",
"rate": 10,
"quantity": 2,
"taxes": [
{"name": "VAT", "rate": 10}
"name": "Custom Item",
"description": "Custom Item Description",
"rate": 100,
"quantity": 2,
"notes": "This is a note for the estimate",
"metadata": {
"display_sections_total": true,
"display_items_total": false
Payload Properties
Name | Description | Type | Example |
Estimate, Missing Details
"uid": "act-456",
"action": "estimate_missing_details",
"display": {
"btn_text": "Ask for more details"
"reason": "Not enough data to generate a reliable estimate",
"payload": {
"estimate_date": "2020-04-20",
"due_date": "2020-04-24",
"client_uid": "1kfvtps4a4wlh3lc",
"client_name": "Alice Smith",
"client_address": "Lombard St, San Francisco, CA",
"address": "habarzel 32\nTel Aviv",
"amount": 8.8,
"currency": "USD",
"status": "draft",
"items": [
"title": "Item title",
"description": "Service Description",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 10,
"discount": 2,
"taxes": [
"name": "10 tax",
"rate": 10
"note": "Estimate for your service",
"source_data": {
"campaign": null,
"channel": "",
"name": "client_portal",
"website_url": null
"staff_uid": "mg9d34uh92bclwzg",
"title": "Estimate title"
"evidence": ["I want a price estimate for carpet cleaning"],
"confidence": 0.85