The ActivityMessage entity

Entity description

A message entity represents a communication sent from a business or staff member to a client via specified channels (email and/or SMS). The message includes content, call-to-action (CTA), and optional tracking parameters.


business_uidThe business that is sending the messagestring56a78b56c
staff_uidThe staff member sending the messagestring5ya4gbwm2c3qoic8
client_uidThe client receiving the messagestring0c4ac9717ab26f56
uidThe unique identifier of the messagestring12a34b56c789
activity_typeActivity category type (invite)stringinvite
activity_actionAction related to the activity type (schedule)stringschedule
channelsDetermines the message delivery channels (email or sms)array["email", "sms"]
message_textThe content of the message, including subject and bodyobjectSee Message Text Properties below
cta_button_textThe text for the action button in the emailstringSchedule now
link_url_paramsURL parameters for tracking the source and campaign of the messageobjectSee Link URL Parameters below
created_atThe creation date and time of the message in ISO 8601 formatstring2024-01-01T09:00:00Z
updated_atThe last updated date and time of the message in ISO 8601 formatstring2024-03-20T12:34:56Z

Message Text Properties

bodyThe main content of the messagestringYou are invited to schedule with us online.
subjectA concise summary of the message contentstringYou can now schedule with us online!

Link URL Parameters

utm_sourceIdentifies the source of trafficstringnewsletter
utm_campaignIdentifies the specific marketing campaignstringsummer_sale


  "business_uid": "56a78b56c",
  "staff_uid": "5ya4gbwm2c3qoic8",
  "client_uid": "0c4ac9717ab26f56",
  "uid": "12a34b56c789",
  "activity_type": "invite",
  "activity_action": "schedule",
  "message_text": {
    "body": "You are invited to schedule with us online.",
    "subject": "You can now schedule with us online!"
  "cta_button_text": "Schedule now",
  "link_url_params": {
    "utm_source": "newsletter",
    "utm_campaign": "summer_sale"
  "channels": ["email", "sms"],
  "created_at": "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-03-20T12:34:56Z"