Voice Call Settings

Entity description

A VoiceCallSetting entity represents the configuration settings for handling voice calls, including call forwarding preferences, staff availability, and voice scripts for different call stages. It also allows integration with external AI apps for advanced call handling.


uidThe unique identifier of the VoiceCallSetting entitystring56ah3478b56c
staff_uidThe unique identifier of the staff receiving the forwarded callstring5ya4gbwm2c3qic8
forward_numberThe phone number of the staff receiving the forwarded callstring180348567634
dedicated_numberThe dedicated number of the business receiving calls from clientsstring12845783457
forwarding_enabledIndicates if voice call forwarding is enabledbooleantrue
call_forwarding_policySpecifies the conditions under which calls are forwarded (ALWAYS, WORK_HOURS, NEVER)stringWORK_HOURS
staff_weekly_availability_uidThe unique identifier representing the staff member's weekly availabilitystring0c4ac9717ab26f56
call_timeout_secCall ringing timeout in secondsnumber20
voice_scriptsConfiguration of voice messages played to callers during different call stagesobjectSee Voice Scripts below
external_app_configConfiguration for an external AI app managing the voice callobjectSee External App Config below
created_atThe date and time when the VoiceCallSetting entity was createdstring2024-01-01T09:00:00Z
updated_atThe date and time when the VoiceCallSetting entity was last updatedstring2024-03-20T12:34:56Z
deleted_atThe date and time when the VoiceCallSetting entity was deleted (null if not deleted)stringnull

Voice Scripts

greeting_messageThe greeting message played to the callerobject{ "message": "Hi, The call will be forwarded soon, please wait.", "enabled": true }
missed_call_messageThe message played when the call is missedobject{ "message": "Sorry, please try again later.", "enabled": false }

External App Config

app_nameThe name of the external appstringmy.pa
full_urlThe endpoint related to the external appstringhttps://ww.example.com/my/pa/ncco
methodThe HTTP method to be used (GET, POST)stringGET


  "uid": "56ah3478b56c",
  "staff_uid": "5ya4gbwm2c3qic8",
  "forward_number": "180348567634",
  "dedicated_number": "12845783457",
  "forwarding_enabled": true,
  "call_forwarding_policy": "WORK_HOURS",
  "staff_weekly_availability_uid": "0c4ac9717ab26f56",
  "call_timeout_sec": 20,
  "voice_scripts": {
    "greeting_message": {
      "message": "Hi, The call will be forwarded soon, please wait.",
      "enabled": true
    "missed_call_message": {
      "message": "Sorry, please try again later.",
      "enabled": false
  "external_app_config": {
    "app_name": "my.pa",
    "full_url": "https://ww.example.com/my/pa/ncco",
    "method": "GET"
  "created_at": "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-03-20T12:34:56Z",
  "deleted_at": null