Account Creation Flow
Email as a unique identifier
As inTandem platform, we hold partnerships worldwide and accounts in our system are uniquely identified by their email address. Hence, there could be a situation where a business might be in touch with one partner, whereas he already has an existing record in our system.
To avoid inconvenience with your clients, our partners can use Business Info API to see if a specific email address already exists in our records.
In case this email already exists in our records, consider using a different email address for this account or contact the inTandem support team to find a different solution.
Create a New Client Account
A new client account can be created is several ways:
- API request to create an account - usually used when new accounts are created in the partner's external system
- Operator Portal - partner's administration portal developed by inTandem team
- Signup Page - our default signup page with the partner's look and feel
A new account can be created with the partner's default values or can be copied from an existing template to get specific settings and content to the new account.
The partner can also create their own settings and content based on their common verticals.
Set Plan on Creation
During the registration process, the user can either select a Trial plan or a specific plan (depending on the partner's plans and packages).
Creating the new account using one of the methods above automatically sets it with the default plan configured on the directory. To set the relevant plan for that business, the account creation should immediately be followed by an update.
Updating the account with the relevant plan and subscription details can either be done by sending Update Account API or by manually updating the subscription in Operator Portal.
Updated 12 months ago