SSO (Single Sign On)
Log in users to their account using a Single Sign On method.
Requires directory token
SSO is available for directory owners having a directory token. Not all accounts are eligible.
The SSO process consists of two simple steps:
Step1: Creating a one-time token
curl --location --request GET '{STAFF_UID}' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token="{DIRECTORY_TOKEN}"'
"sso_token": "aaabbbcccddd111222333444",
"expires_at": 1666169052
Token expiration time
The returned token will remain valid for 30 minutes (expires_at value is in microseconds).
→ Use the business_uid to log in users with admin access.
→ Alternately use the staff_uid to log in users as specific staff members (Please refer to the staff API reference).
Step 2: Build the SSO login URL
Copy-paste the below URL and replace {SSO_TOKEN} with the token you received in step 1.{SSO_TOKEN}
Deep links
If you want the user to land on a specific page in the system right after the SSO login (i.e a particular page of invoice, etc), you can append the "redirect_to" query param to the SSO URL and specify the desired path.
The path should be relative to the main application domain and start from "/app/PATH". See example:
This will land the user here:
Updated 11 months ago