Notifying when a business uninstalls an app (paid or free)
The event is triggered when a business uninstalls an app
there is a distinguish between app install webhooks for an app and for directory/business
Webhook authorization: using a business or a directory token.
Subscribing to the App Uninstalled webhook:
curl --location --request POST '/platform/v1/webhook/subscribe' \
--header 'Authorization: "Bearer Directory/business API_TOKEN"'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"event": "app_subscription/uninstalled",
"target_url": "URL"
App Uninstalled Payload Example:
"entity_name": "app_subscription",
"event_type": "uninstalled",
"data": {
"business_id": "3fd234234d4",
"app_id": "app unique name"
Subscribing to the App Uninstalled webhook
curl --location --request POST '/platform/v1/webhook/subscribe' \
--header 'Authorization: "Bearer app API_TOKEN"'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"event": "application/uninstalled",
"target_url": "URL"
Subscribing to the App Uninstalled webhook
"entity_name": "application",
"event_type": "uninstalled",
"data": {
"business_id": "ato1v212sj30krxm",
"app_code_name": "myapp",
"event_time": "2024-03-17T23:14:43.280-06:00"