Purchasable Subscription Updated (deprecated)

Notifying when a subscription (app, main…) is updated.

Check here for the Subscription Updated V3 webhook.

The event is triggered when a subscription (app, main…) is updated.

Webhook authorization: using an app, a business or a directory token.


To get the subscription’s current data, you need to call the GET subscription API

Subscribing to the Subscription Update webhook:

curl --location --request POST '/platform/v1/webhook/subscribe' \
--header 'Authorization: "Bearer API_TOKEN"'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"event": "purchasable_subscription/updated",
"target_url": "URL"

Subscription Update Payload Example:

  "entity_name": "purchasable_subscription",
  "event_type": "update",
  "data": {
    "uid": "3d3dc97a-7ea7-42d7-a287-9993530721fd",
    "display_name": "myappcodename",
    "purchasable_uid": "ee655c26-4a57-48df-8e2e-f85a994b335c",
    "buyer_uid": "ny1g1gau6o3x3yat",
    "business_uid": "ato1v2g3eg3xkyqm",
    "purchase_currency": "USD",
    "purchase_price": "5.00",
    "purchase_state": "canceled",
    "cancellation_date": null,
    "expiration_date": null,
    "updated_at": "2024-03-17T12:27:10.000Z",
    "created_at": "2024-03-01T12:27:09.966Z",
    "payment_type": "monthly",
    "bundled_from_subscription_uid": null,
    "is_active": true